Tuesday 9 December 2014


Yup! That's right, we're in Utah! And my mother didn't know a thing, my brother had no clue and my grandmother nearly had a heart attack. Go us! (Not to the heart attack part) it has been the HARDEST time keeping this a secret, I neary blew our cover lots of times. Kudos also go to my dad and Aunty Rob for holding their tongues also through the past few months, it was so worth it wasn't it? 

It all began a few months ago when one night Nic turned to me and said that he wanted to go back to America for Christmas. I was excited and I said great me too! So we started planning, plotting, budgeting and questioning whether we should go or not. We just finished paying off our car at this time so we were so excited to start saving again. We too-and-fro'd for. Couple weeks when we finally came to the decision not to go. As much as I wanted to see my family the money aspect and long travel this time around just did not at all seem appealing. When...one day we sitting in church and I had this insanely strong prompting tell me you have to go to America this year! It was so strong I started crying. I turned to Nic and told him what had just happened his eyes lit up like the glimmer of snow in the sun and he said 'I secretly still wanted to go'. How perfect! 

This was back in August. That week we went and bought our tickets straight away and didn't tell anyone! It was so exciting! We couldn't believe it was actually happening! Nic was giddy like a little school boy, I was excited at the idea of seeing my family (some) but also wary of the long travel ahead of us. We did eventually tell my Aunty Rob about our little secret because we decided we needed help on the other end of our surprise. 

September soon came which brought with it Father's Day and as I was on the phone with my dad he was telling me all about his new job and also about a trip they were planning for the summer with my littlest brother before he left on his mission for the Church of Jeaus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He said 'I know you won't be making it over for Christmas but I was thinking maybe you and Nic might be able to join us for that trip?' I turned to Nic with my puppy dog eyes and asked if I could tell him because that would just be the best Father's Day present ever! Nic was thinking more along the lines of dad's new job and getting time off. So I excitedly turned back to the phone call and said to my dad 'well dad, we actuall won't be able to make it over during the summer as seeing as we have already booked and paid for our tickets to America for Christmas.' Man how I wish we were on Skype so I could have seen his face! 

I am so grateful to a loving Father in Heaven who made it possible for this trip to happen. I grateful to dad and Aunty Rob for keeping the secret and making this the best surprise we could have ever pulled!

Best Plan Ever!

So Nic and I have been planning this close to 4 months now and we're 4 days out from revealing all! I just can't wait! Up in Bowen at the moment, what other things do we have in store? I love school holidays! :-) 


Thursday 11 September 2014

Friendship-A Tribute!

Just the other day I was skyping with one of my most dearest and longest friends. This year we've known and loved each other for 10yrs! Wow! She moved to Queensland from Victoria and we were fast friends, instantly inseparable. She has been married for 4 years now and living a whole world away in the UK. I am so grateful that we are still close, and even more grateful that we are still sister in the gospel. It's hard not being able to share our new lives together but I am sure grateful for technology that makes it possible to speak face to face, as if we were in the same room. 

Every time we talk, we talk for hours and it still isn't enough. It really made me think about the friends I have and the friend that I am. Being a grown up is hard sometimes when life changes and you move and your friends aren't just around the corner anymore. There are times when it's lucky if you talk to them once a month.  

Today I received a letter from another dear friend of mine, we met in 2007 and I wasn't exactly fond of her when we first met. She was my Young Woman's President at church when I was a Laurel, in that transition phase from YW to YSA. I moved to Toowoomba for uni not long after I met her. Only a few months later she moved to Toowoomba as well, just around the corner from me! It was so nice to see a familiar face! So I became part of their family. I know Heavenly Father sent her to me because he knew I needed someone to watch over me. She definitely became a a big sister to me. She loved me unconditionally and patiently through all of my stupid choices. She always had faith in me which helped when I had no faith in myself. An true example of being a woman of faith and humility, always calling upon The Lord and trusting in him.

Another special lady in my life I met in my first year of high school. We used to spend every moment we could spare with each other, countless sleepovers and shopping trips! A year or so after graduation we lost contact but got in touch again this year and I met up with her for dinner and we picked up right where we left off. I love her! And I love her family! Yet another family I adopted myself into. 

Now, before I married my sweet Nicholas I had another "husband" she was my roommate for two whole years. We sure had lots of fun in our curry marinated share house. And even though we had our own rooms I remember a number of sleepovers In each other's rooms. We've had many adventures together and she has been able to come up to Rockhmapton a number of times to visit me. I am so grateful for her in my life! She is such a beautiful friend and has a special place in my heart. 

We all have that one friend who is exactly like you, who thinks like you, jokes like you, enjoys the sepame music as you. Well this next sweet lady is definitely my twin! We bonded over a church dance festival, she was choreographing the dance and I was the lead dancer. I would walk to her place everyday after school and that would turn into dinners and sleepovers. Boy did we get up to some mischief! She is married to my ex boyfriend's brother, it's great lol she lives up north on a little island where her husband works as a teacher. We don't talk as regularly as we use to or even as I'd like to but life just gets busy like that, when we do get a chance to talk though nothing has changed and I love her for that and miss her!

I met this next lovely lady in the bathroom at church, she was having a rough day and we got to talking and started to bond right then. Within a few hours of knowing her we drove from Toowoomba yo Brisbane together, we laughed and cried the whole way there sharing lots of personal stories. We became great friends especially when she married one of my others rinds and moved to Toowoomba. She still lives there with 2 kids now and a live, what feels like a lifetime away in Rockhampton. She is one of the sweetest women I know!

When I was going through the a really hard this woman was also suffering and I remember going over to her house one day after I had heard the news, we sat on her couch crying together. She was such a strength to me in that time, if she could get through what she was going through I knew I could too. We spent lots of time together after that lots of dinners at her place and sleepovers. I was there so often I became a part of their family for a while. We both came out the end of that time stronger women. She is now engaged to a wonderful man! A testament to women everywhere that The Lord never forgets us, He is always aware of us.

The last friend I'm going to talk about I met at uni, we bumped heads a little when we first met but it only took a few months for us to get on like a house on fire. We have a similar sort of humour and both as messy as each other. We lives together in our fourth year of uni, in a quaint unit just across the road from the uni. That was a great year, I had a car for the first time, living in a nice place for the first time having my friends close by. We are both music teachers now, she's up north in Cairns. Every now and again we'll share some funny stories with each other, other stories are unbelievable and even frustrating. 

Monday 7 July 2014

It's a Wonderful Life

What a wonderful break it has been these school holidays. Our first weekend away was just chock-a-block full of people to see. On Saturday night I spent sometime with one of my dear friends and her little girl.

Sunday was a big day, we woke up early to go to my Uncle's ward to hear him and my cousin, a recently returned missionary speak in sacrament meeting which was so lovely. Got to see my Aunty that I haven't seen in a few years and catch up with her.

We had lunch at Nic's Aunt and Uncle's house, a little family reunion before their daughter's wedding on the Monday. It was nice to meet some of his family that I haven't met before.

Sunday night we want to my grandparents place for dinner and to visit with family up from Newcastle who hadn't met Nic before. It was a lovely night being with my family.

Monday was the wedding which was lovely but more importantly I got to spend some time with two of my brothers that just recently moved back to Australia from the US. It was so wonderful to see them and spend time with them. I'm glad that they live closer and hopefully I'll get to see them more regularly.

That night we went out to dinner with my best friend from high school. Now I haven't seen her in a couple of years! It was so great to see her and her family again. She's the type of friend that you can not see for ages then get together as if you'd never been apart. Her mum is just the sweetest woman you will ever meet!

AND that was just the BEGINNING of our holiday :-)

Sunday 15 June 2014

Another Year Older

Another birthday come and gone. I always get sad when my birthday is over but always excited about what the coming year will bring. I'm not gunna lie that I could do without presents on my birthday cuz I totally love them! Lol but more important to me is that people think about me and that I get attention. Everyone knows I'm an attention whore haha I've mellowed down but still love it. For example:

This year my husband got me an awesome present! He totally spoiled me with a mini iPad so I can FaceTime my mum overseas. Major brownie points right! He gave it to me a couple days early (Sunday) cuz I was feeling down and it was a long weekend so I could enjoy it the next day as there was not work. Anyway, after reminding him as we're going to bed Monday night that it was my birthday in the morning-naturally I wanted it to be the first thing he said to me when he woke up lol-Nothing. So I get get up and start getting ready and still nothing, sitting at the table having my breaky and still nothing. He even asked me to make the lunches for school lol it wasn't until I made him look at his watch to realise the date that he remembered. 

Now I love my husband and he spoils me everyday (well most everyday lol) but on my birthday do not ask me to do anything lol

We had a lovely dinner that night at the local restaurant and it was so wonderful :-) 

I love birthdays! :-) 

Sunday 18 May 2014

The Most Wonderful Husband in the World

And you thought you had the most wonderful husband in the world. Ha! I bet mine is better than yours. Yesterday was Sunday and Nic and I stayed home from church because we weren't feeling well. We slept pretty much all day. That night my wonderful, caring, thoughtful husband told me that he would do the washing up and that he would cook dinner and that he wanted to draw me a bath so I can relax and feel better. He wouldn't even let me help.
That was just what I needed. I layed in the bath for almost an hour reading Boyd K Packer's book 'Holy Temple'.
We then had dinner, watched Wallace and Gromit and went to bed.
I thank the Lord everyday for putting Nic in my path and for Nic wanting me. I am so incredibly blessed.

Friday 9 May 2014

My first Eisteddfod

Wednesday night here in Rockhampton was the Concert Band Eisteddfod. Not only was it my first Eisteddfod conducting my Emmaus band but it was my first time conducting in one ever! I can't begin to explain how nervous I was. I knew the band would sound great and I wasn't worried about them making mistakes. I was worried I would stuff up by going too fast or too slow, lose my place or my score altogether!

As we were setting up on stage I started to nearly freak out lol I really don't like being in front of people. But I'm a teacher, go figure aye. I felt my heart beating out of my chest as the curtain went up. But when the band started playing I just got into the zone. They sounded amazing and I had the biggest smile on my face.

After our first piece I heard a bell ring from the adjudicator's desk and had no idea what it meant, I thought I must have done something wrong! After our section I asked my coworker what that sound was and she said "Oh I forgot about that, it means that their ready for your next song. " So glad that I didn't turn around when I heard or started playing before I heard it! That could have been a right disaster!

When we played our last song I was so excited to turn around and bow because they played amazingly! It was so much fun and I just felt so proud of my kiddos for doing such a fantastic job! Although we didn't get a place we got a great score, 82/100 and first place got 86/100. I couldn't have asked for a better result :-)